Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Twice Upon a Christmas Time

Christmas Doctor Who is a great tradition, but has proved a bit hit and miss. On occasions it has been a bit light and inconsequential, at other times guilty of being too inward looking and self-referential. 
This year's special didn't seem to be the former, while somehow accommodating the latter.
Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat contrived for themselves, and for this generation of the character, a fantastic send off. David Bradley, no matter how good the make-up and characterisation, was never going to actually be the same as William Hartnell. For those with any knowledge or recollection of the first Doctor that was always going to be a potential sticking point, so the inclusion of what was originally someone pretending to be the original actor playing that character was only going to be justified by great performance and dialogue. I think it was accomplished wonderfully.
For all Capaldi's great scenes, there was always the nagging knowledge that had been there for almost too many months, that once it had all played out, we were still all just as keen to see what was bound to be the all too brief, and likely cliff-hanging, introduction to Jodie Whittaker's 13th Doctor. I found the last combined change of Doctor and showrunner to be a welcome change of style and character, and before the end of Matt Smith's first episode I was already thinking 'David who?' So I am already excited.
'Oh Brilliant!' was a great way to start, and while we will have to wait and see, I have high hopes for whatever we have in store next year. I am sure there will still be plenty of audible nay-saying regarding a female doctor, opinions are OK, humour on the subject is acceptable without any Whovian militant response, let the story come first, then decide.

In anticipation of Christmas specials yet to come.

David Tennant had to endure comatose bed rest in Rose's mum's flat. Matt Smith had to eat fish fingers in custard and solve major swimming pool problems. Even Sylvester McCoy had major wig issues. With all these challenging regenerations, and the associated crises of having the TARDIS crash, explode, or forgetting how to fly the damn thing, why hasn't the Doctor gone to the trouble of sorting himself out a new Zero Room?

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Advent Day 17 - Nono

Check the Daily Mail to ensure that there are no important issues on which you are ill informed.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Advent Day 16 - Boarhunt

Peruse a local version of a children's classic.

We're Going on a Boarhunt.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Advent Day 12 - Horror

Maybe find time for a grown up shocker, if you have the stomach for it.

'Trump Thing!'

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Advent Day 11 - Singe

For a kid's film with a difference, why not try the foreign language version?

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Advent Day 8 - Grammar

There will be lots of cards, thank you notes and letters to Santa written this Christmas. 
Please play close attention and use correct grammar at all times.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Advent Day 7 - Jacobeanstalk

Get yourselves tickets for a panto, maybe one of the fashionable retro period shows, such as Jacobeanstalk.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Advent Day 6 - Astronomy Joke

Look to the heavens, search for a star, and imagine what Christmas may be like for the rest of the universe.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Advent Day 5 - The Suckle Brothers

The Suckle Brothers

I don't normally do requests, unless people ask me.
This one is for James.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Advent Day 4 - Brogue One

Brogue One - A Shoe Wars Story

What if the plans stolen by the rebels were not for a death-dealing space-bound battle station, but for a giant gentleman's shoe?